Whether you are one a one-week cruise or for a much longer time, you will want to determine how to deal with your mail while you are away from home.
For a one week vacation you certainly have a couple of options. You could have a nearby neighbor or a family member collect your mail for you each day you are away. Another option is to have the post office hold the mail for you. In the United States, one can have the USA Postal Service hold the mail for you for up to thirty days and then upon your return you can either pick it up at the Post Office or have them deliver it all to you.
For voyages greater than thirty days you also have a couple of options.
One option is to have a family member or nearby neighbor collect the mail for you, but that might pose an inconvenience to them.
Another option for those of you residing in the United States is to do a temporary move where you temporarily forward you mail to a neighbor or family member who live close to you or even a short drive from your home. You can do this for up to one year but must do it at intervals of six months. Another option is to temporarily forward your mail to a Post Office Box but you would have to determine if they would place your mail in a holding container when the box is full or if you could have someone stop by the box to pick up the mail from time to time for you.
For a one week vacation you certainly have a couple of options. You could have a nearby neighbor or a family member collect your mail for you each day you are away. Another option is to have the post office hold the mail for you. In the United States, one can have the USA Postal Service hold the mail for you for up to thirty days and then upon your return you can either pick it up at the Post Office or have them deliver it all to you.
For voyages greater than thirty days you also have a couple of options.
One option is to have a family member or nearby neighbor collect the mail for you, but that might pose an inconvenience to them.
Another option for those of you residing in the United States is to do a temporary move where you temporarily forward you mail to a neighbor or family member who live close to you or even a short drive from your home. You can do this for up to one year but must do it at intervals of six months. Another option is to temporarily forward your mail to a Post Office Box but you would have to determine if they would place your mail in a holding container when the box is full or if you could have someone stop by the box to pick up the mail from time to time for you.